Sunday 19 February 2017

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Sie sollten es mit diesem Typ versuchen. Bis zu. Testen Sie VBA auf eine Kopie Ihrer Daten (denken Sie daran, dass Sie normalerweise nicht reverse Forex Trading System 96 Prozent Gewinner und whiners Aktion) Bitte folgen Sie dem Forum Regeln und Forex Trading System 96 Prozent Gewinner und whiners Um einen Screenshot zu erhalten, versuchen Sie einen dieser Links MrExcel HTML Maker . Wenn Sie bereit sind zu lernen und haben die Motivation zum Erfolg, dann könnten Sie bald eine große zweite, oder sogar das Leben verändernden dh machen. Anleitung und Prognose von Fachhändlern müssen vor ihrer Anlage berücksichtigt werden. Flori mein Gewinnsystem. Fütterung. Fxpro forex Branchen-News, Paypal, fxpro Finanzdienstleistungen ltds Konten, Aktien, auch binäre 24option. Das bietet in der nächsten Ebene der binären Option binäre Optionen Industrie Teil der qualitativ hochwertigen Bildungs-Material. Andere Mitglieder des Kartells wüssten den Plan und könnten profitieren. Was ist Form 1099-MISC. Und Branchenindizes und Branchenindizes. Bonus für Forum wurde gegründet. 6359,28. Die wichtigste Sache zu erinnern, ist der Handel klein und geduldig sein. Premiere Forex Trading System 96 Prozent Gewinner und whiners Hybrid-Anwendung Oc prsentierte auf der Grafischen Vakbeurs in Hardenberg zwei Neuheiten fr den Groformatdruck: der Flachbettdrucker Oc Arizona 250 GT, die erstmalig mit Roll-to-Roll-Option vorgestellt wurde, und die Oc CS9265 . Promotions können Tradjng von Zeit zu Zeit und haben immer die Bedingungen und Bedingungen der Promotions erwähnt, wenn beworben. Tatyana-lure Bereit zum erneuten Lesen des Artikels. Gute materyal und schrieb einfach Recht. Fyodor Stepanovich Myachin MDA kommen up IAMPRINCESS Indian Pharmacy ist Ihre einzige Quelle für wirksame Medikamente der Weltklasse direkt verkauft DyagilevGirl Diese Seite ist gut, aber ich fühle, dass etwas fehlt. Brabusik hmm. Gut, es ist extrem. PamoymuTrading für ein Leben - Klippe Anmerkungen Acumen: Ich habe, seit einiger Zeit jetzt Jahre, Ihre Posten mit einer Absicht gelesen, eine Spreu oder zwei zu lesen, aber ich jetzt verstehe mich, dass Sie unter uns sind. Einige von uns Gewinner amp einige von uns Whiners Für diejenigen, die kein Verständnis von dem, was ich beziehe, kann ich nur sagen, dass Sie noch einige Forschung zu tun haben. Es ist wahr: Erfolgreiche Händler immer noch auf FF. Keine Abschlüsse erforderlich. Ich glaube ehrlich, dass Sie noch da sind, weil Sie den Wunsch haben, anderen zu helfen, dieses sehr schwierige Handwerk zu lernen. Es gibt auch andere hier. Wir benutzen häufig Sarkasmus und Leichtsinn, um zu kommunizieren, aber bleiben entschlossen in unseren Zielen hier. Um anderen zu helfen dieses Spiel zu spielen. Danke für deine netten Worte. Lektion 7: Konfluenz Wenn zwei oder mehr Dinge aufeinander abgestimmt sind, um ein stärkeres Signal zu erzeugen. Nehmen Sie das beigefügte Diagramm des usdjpy. Beachten Sie 4 rote Pfeile, die zu Beginn der letzten Freitags-Trading-Session nach unten zeigen. (Ein mechanisches System Handel) Der Markt hat sich auf den Drehpunkt während der asiatischen Sitzung bewegt. (Signal 1) Der Drehpunkt ist sehr nahe an einer runden Zahl. 96.00 (Signal 2) Das Paar ist auf dem 15-Minuten-Chart überkauft. (Signal 3) Mein System hat ein Verkaufssignal ausgelöst. (Signal 4) Mein System wäre alles, was ich brauchte, um diesen Handel zu platzieren. Allerdings, wenn es mit mehreren anderen Indikatoren kombiniert wurde, war der Handel ein Kinderspiel. Attached Image (zum Vergrößern anklicken) Short Squeeze Donnerstag Rub Down Ich hasse es, wenn I8217m rechts 8211 tatsächlich, kratzen, dass 8211 Ich liebe es, wenn I8217m rechts. Vor allem, wenn alle anderen glauben, I8217m ein Idiot und dass I8217m Paranoid, dass ich werde die große verpassen, weil ich kapituliert, verlor ich meine mojo, mein Schwanz ist zu klein, füllen Sie alle Vorwurf Ihrer Wahl. Es ist nicht, dass ich didn8217t Ihnen sagen, so 8211 natürlich zugegeben, es könnte ein oder zwei Tage später kommen, aber heute war gut genug für mich. Let8217s zu Mr. Zero: Ich sah eine Menge Abweichungen heute und war nicht schüchtern, dass sie auf meine subs. Aber ich habe auch gewarnt, dass eine Auflösung nicht vor morgen kommen und ich denke, so weit ich hatte Recht. Natürlich könnte dies nicht bedeuten, und wir können nur Büste höher auf mehr Dämpfe 8211 let8217s sehen, ob die Bären machen ihren Zug morgen 8211 nichts ist garantiert und dies wird ein Säure-Test für Soylent Orange werden. Ansonsten war es ein sehr stabiler Tag auf der Zero 8211 schön gespielt. Ich stelle selten andere bloggers8217 Diagramme hier aber dieses hier ist so Punkt auf dem es einen Hauptpunkt hier verdient: Danke T. K. 8211 I couldn8217t zustimmen mehr Hey, George Carlin würde ein Feld Tag mit diesem Ausdruck8230 Ich bin ein Kenner der Tim8217s Charts und ich denke, er könnte von diesem (oder it8217ll verfolgen ihn 8211 hehehe). Natürlich geht das davon aus. Diagonale Unterstützungslinien haben eine Schwäche, dass der Markt von ihnen fortsetzen muss, um einen Trend zu erhalten. Aber sobald sie sich in Widerstand verwandeln, laufen sie weg von den Bären, und wir könnten dieses Ding noch einige Tage testen, auch wenn wir schließlich fallen. Natürlich kommt EWT zur Rettung und solange wir unter 1074.31 bleiben, d. H. Minuette (i) sollten wir in Ordnung sein. Programm Trading Update: evil. ratES: 8.5 geronimoES: 5.25 (3 Trades 8211 alle Gewinner und Subs wahrscheinlich eine bessere Füllung auf der letzten) FYI 8211 wenn Sie bekommen meine twitter Sie wissen, dass ich gesichert der LKW hier. Und ja, für den Fall, dass Sie sich wundern, 8211, wenn es8217s Soylent Blue Ich halten und fügen Sie auf dem Weg nach oben. 3:40 pm EDT: BloodWine wies darauf hin, dass das Argument gemacht werden könnte, dass (iv) verletzt in (i) auf dem Dow 8211 das war ein bisschen eine kalte Dusche für mich, wie ich ehrlich gesagt so beschäftigt war, dass ich hadn8217t überprüft die Dow8217s Kurzzeitige Wellenzahl. In kurzen und ohne Wieselrede 8211 ja, könnte dieses Argument sehr gut gemacht werden und die einzige rettende Gnade für die Bären wäre diese Zählung: Jetzt bin ich der erste, der gesteht, dass diese Zählung 90 Wunschdenken ist. Der Grund, warum ich Mühe bietet es überhaupt ist, dass die Dow hat ziemlich hart zu zählen, wie der spät und dass es nicht im Widerspruch zu einer EWT Regeln. Die a-b-c wird auch in unserer Bibel als Lauftafel bezeichnet (Psalm 48: 1-38) und dort auch die orthodoxe Oberseite bedeckt (Psalm 55). Auch diese Zahl hält ein sauberes Motiv auf den Nachteil, die etwas unterstützt seinen Fall. Allerdings bricht dieses Szenario die zweite wir verletzen 9992.81. BloodWine Über den Autor Mole erschuf Evil Spector inmitten des Chaos der Finanzkrise Anfang August 2008. Seine Vision für Evil Speculator ist eine Zuflucht Der Vernunft, Hands-on Trading Wissen und Inspiration für Händler aller Altersgruppen und Streifen. Sie können ihm folgen und seine schändlichen Pläne in verschiedenen sozialen Medien Wasserlöcher unten. Bloodwine8230überlegen Sie diese Möglichkeit .. Dies war nicht ein iv .. das ist immer noch Teil der erweiterten iii und heutigen Aktion war subdegree Welle 2 davon .. was Sie dachte Welle war iii tatsächlich ein Subdegree Welle 1 dieser erweiterten iii8230so, wenn Sie auf Es so, die Dow nicht verletzt i Region .. dies schlägt vielleicht ein wenig mehr steigen und dann ein großer Tropfen .. wir beginnen subdegree 3 von iii von 1. könnte falsch sein .. aber we39ll wissen mehr von morgen Ich sehe Was Ihr impliziert. Hoffentlich sehen sie das als Leitlinie, um Erschöpfung zu zeigen. Ich glaube, Mole, Berk und viele andere hier fühlen wir einen Doppel-Zick-Zack abgeschlossen haben. Gab es Erschöpfung zurück 3905 Wenn Erschöpfung 3 Jahre früher kommt, ist es eine erstaunlich frühe Frühindikator. Vielen Dank für Ihre Gedanken und das Diagramm. mole, how bout this possibility for Dow and EW.. a) hilarious b) that39s the RUT, so8230 is that related to the NQ purchase c) that39s hilarious 8220Some knob bought 100 NQ contracts at about 11points over8230..interesting spread there82308230must be a gov action8221 Tim Knight is using an invalid rally 8220trend line8221 since he has chosen SPX for his 8220God39s Gift to the Bears8221 chart. A day ago, DoubleNaughtSpy posted several trend lines8221trend lines8221. That one only has two point. Invalid. Berk will back me up on this. There is a valid rally trend line on INDU, and it deserves a completely different headline: 8220God39s Gift to the Bulls.8221 Hitting a TON of signals on the hourly saying the EOD was the top before more downside8230.. screencastt0er6QspaoY - hitting top of regression channel from the SPY top - MACD has peaked - RSI peaked - Retesting broken channel I would give this an 80 probability of downside tomorrow. I39m full short Hey Mole, thanks for the post and thoughts And yes, us rats are finally learning and watching the POMO schedule as you instructed :). Going along with the Dow 4 going into 1 observation, I have a crazy count that is still bearish and might explain what is going on in the 5 major indices (SPX, INDU, COMPQ, NDX and RUT): marketthoughtsandanalysis. blogspot2 8230. Thanks No offense to those shorting here or tomorrow but the stochastic has a long way to climb to even hit neutral. A retrace on the open would be standard and expected. Scale invariance8211this move up will correct at some point (like retrace to the 38.2 fibo line of today39s move, etc.) but that won39t necessarily mean it39s broken down. I would guess this will take a few days to play out8230 isn39t the full moon approaching Not that it39s predictive8230. I39ll take a double top 1100 as a working target. Once the DJI tops 10K again we will likely get another wave of euphoria. I agree. I looked at that chart and then did some work on my own. You could draw it another way touching two points and we are back in the channel again at the very bottom of it. He went through some chart technician program and I39m just a hack but that39s my take on it. We are also back above the 50 day MA which is going to be the same on every chart. I39m not really bullish or bearish right now. Looks like were gonna get a 2050 day EMA sandwich going on here, we also had an inside day on the NASDAQ today bit. ly3ZRtD4 Could someone please explain how the ZeroLite works is I39m seriously thinking about subscribing based on the EOD posts on it, but have no idea how it works What is the basic mathematical and technical premise behind it Why is it called ZeroLite God I love the internet. Yesterday we were going to 900. Today we39re going to rally like it39s March again. No wonder 99 of retail traders lose money. I39m going to be risky and say: probably something in the middle. So many people are worried about the first or last 5. It39s the money in the middle, boys and girls. It39s the money in the middle. I was a day early covering my shorts but we39re basically back at the same level I covered. Oh well. I39m not in the camp that today was a 4th wave. I could be wrong but I believe yesterday was the termination of wave 1 down and we39re seeing wave 2 up now and we just breached the 38.2 fib. Technically we could turnover at any point but I don39t think so. ABC39ing back up works for me. I think we39ll see a mini-top tomorrow and then next week we should rally back. up. 50 fib at 1071, 61.8 fib at 1078 would be the likely spot. However, we39ve seen the 78.6 fib get hit in the past and that39s at 1088. That would certainly fuck with the most people. I39ll start shorting again next week. Still bitter about the amount of dough I left on the table. Since I started posting here 5 months ago (and the week or two at Atilla39s site) I39m 25 full position points from my goal of 300 which would be 30,000 ES points. Kicked a little ass in NQs and pretty much made IYR my bitch a couple times. I have a feeling November is going to blow that number away. Hell, I should be there right now if I didn39t pull out too soon8230.(usually a VERY good thing). Every single point has been made on the short side. I39m not trying to blow my own horn (I39m not that flexible, even drunk), but trying to make the point that too many people get tied up in the moment. If you can39t afford a drawdown, your positions are too big and you39re too impatient. I really enjoyed Anna39s posts but I haven39t been to her new site because I don39t have time for nice. This isn39t about being nice. The people trying to take your money (long or short) are the biggest cocksuckers you39ll ever meet 8211 trust me, I used to work with them. This game isn39t about being nice. If you whine or complain when you lose money you39re in the wrong field. This isn39t a game for whiners. It39s a game about kicking someone else39s ass. It39s zero sum. Talk to you all next week. By the way, if you want to play short term, any pop tomorrow should be shortable in the short term. Watch the 20dma on the SPX (mid bollinger) 8211 a rejection of that could send us lower. Still believe one last gasp is coming next week. Good luck Grim 8211 can you share what you are seeing that makes you say that So we had a huge run today8230 What are we predicting for tomorrow Will the GDP numbers be enough to carry us higher or has the mood changed I tend to believe the the recent numbers will mitigate the selling pressure we had the last couple days and that we will end up being flat tomorrow but remain trending upward. I39m going to offer to you that I believe you39re working with an incorrect count. Long story short, we39ve completed wave 1 down, and are presently working on wave 2. Your small (a) is 2 of 1 and your small (b) is 3 of 1, small c is 4 of 1 (try not to fret about the overlap with 1 as it39s a minor matter) and the next wave down is a failed 5 of 1. Again, in wave 3 is a EDT wave 5. If you look closely at the waves you will see it fits rather well. The power of the move up today was too strong for a wave 4, but it fits the profile of a 2 very well. The proof is in the pudding, and if wave 3 is, in fact, next, the market will fall well below the recent lows. I think this wave 2, presently in play will end no later than Tuesday, but if it can39t hold above 1054 as per Murrey Math it may be curtains sooner rather than later. I hasten to add that this count is not mine, but I think it is valid. We shall see. interesting. do you have a link Yes, that sounds like a good idea. I39m in CET. Is the NZD like the aussie dollar (ie. influenced by the price of gold) Brits are in. Sorry people but I think this is another huge bear trap. It has huge similarities with July as a technical set-up. Inventories are building again as per the GDP report. It won39t last and just sets us up for another collapse but in the mean-time, 4Q09 and 1Q10 GDP are going to be inflated. It will be impossible to sell equities when top line upgrades start coming through. Let me give you all an example 8211 Continental, the tyre company in Germany reported yesterday. Is it a screwed-up over leveraged business Yes. Are they seeing a small pick-up in demand Yes. Are they now guiding to Q4 EBIT which is 60 ahead of current consensus Yes. What do you think those earnings numbers will go to when they is more than a tiny pick-up in demand The time to get short this market is when earnings momentum is peaking and rolling over, we are only on the lower part of the vertical on the S curve. Valuations aren39t silly enough to sell eps momentum. The consumer is screwed up enough to continue the stimulus for a while longer 8211 expect a reload of the QE gun, especially in the UK. You can39t place technical analysis outside of the fundamentals. At our fund, we do a lot of technical analysis of the fundamentals. Right now, that is telling me we have probably just seen the low short-term. Sorry, I don39t like it either but I am not going to fight the analysis. Similar, they are commodity driven. They both speak queens english. By the way, my theme is irreverant. Sorry that is the way it is. Here39s another example. Renault this morning. Q3 bad as we all know. But what are they guiding to Order book more than 2 months of sales, a big increase. Guiding to profit in H2 vs consensus of a loss. Valuation ex Nissan 1.5x EVEBITDA. The equity value could explode. gtThey both speak queens english. They are just as vulnerable to the European market open headfakes, then. It often pays to fade the first big movement8230 how has europe opened TJ Here39s a link to a Renko chart of that count at alphahorn39s blog. I also like this count 8211 both in the sense that it fits the facts, and also in the sense that I would love for it to be accurate. If so perhaps we drop a bit tomorrow in b of 2 and then rise late tomorrow and through Monday in c of 2 before wave 3 starts somewhere in the first half of next week. I guess being colonial has long lasting effects8230. DAX poised to open flat in 10 min. A retreat to today39s pivot of 5.546 seems possible. Banks are positive. If they can stay that way we are looking at a run up to 5.631 and 5.675. gmak wrote somewhere: I would feel more comfortable if all 3 points lined up since any two points will give a straight line using a non-log scale you got a TL passing Mar 6, 2009 July 10, 2009 and October 2nd that is now at approx 1070 Just thought I would share8230. Excellent site and really geeky, I love it although I just usually just skip to the conclusion.. nteresting to note that since 01062001 and with respect to the then following session (in this event Friday, October 30) the ES E-MINI S038P 500 opened lower on 2 out of every 3 occurrences, posted an intraday low of at least -2.0 on 11 out of the last 13 occurrences, was trading at least 0.50 above the previous sessions close at the end of the first hour of the then following session on only 4 out of 44 occurrences (maximum gain 0.81 ), was trading at least 0.50 above the previous sessions close at the start of the last hour of the then following session on only 5 out of 44 occurrences (maximum gain 1.05), closed (partly significantly) lower on 12 out of the last 13 occurrences. Well, my premarket post vanished again 8211 to my eyes anyway. I39m going to post it at option babe and see if it sticks there. I thought it was Dan Aykroyd until it was pointed out that it39s actually the guy off Dragons39 Den. Didn39t know you had the Beeb in California. Great photo though 8211 100 smarm. Great point. We always have intermediate reversion to (slightly fwd) expectations. If we39re getting Q4 EBIT 60 ahead of consensus haha then that is setting up for large disappointment. I think Q1 3910 will be the disaster quarter. If the market was always in line with fundamentals it would be hurt in April. When I post via Disqus 8211 my longer posts are vanishing once I refresh. It has happened here and at option babe. Haven39t tried slope of hope yet 8211 but I would expect the same thing. Anyone have any similar experience, andor solutions I think the post shows up when I click on my avatar 8211 you know in Disqus 8211 but it doesn39t display on the site where it is posted. Another lower low on the 3 min EUR. Watch this. If we pop back above 1.4821 then the move down may be over. That was the most recent high. A pivot lies below at 1.4788 then the 24 FIB at 1.4773. If EUR closes the current 30 min bar below 1.4798 (at 9AM EDT) then we have a qualified price exhaustion down at 1.4737 and that becomes a plausible target intra-day. The next bar will have to open lower for this qualification to stick, I believe. Currently the 30 minute chart is in wave 3 of 5 down (TD Waves which are sequential and do not do waves within waves). obvious solution8230 break the post in 2 or 3 1 jaxon. If only we can get even a shred of the bigger game correct, we could certainly use that to plan better long term plays. I try to explain to people close to me what is really going on 8220in the shadows8221 right now (using actual data that never seems to make the news) and it amazes me how most people really just don39t see it. It brings me to the conclusion that the greatest theft in history has been perpetrated over the last decade8230 and the genius of it is that we were robbed of our futures, not our present. Therefore, most people are simply to caught up in the now to see it8230 and of course do not feel it yet. My only comfort in this is that we are all so equally screwed, I do feel so singled out this does not bode well for the bulls. Probably too many links 8211 I39ll check the spam folder in disqus once I fall out of my cozy bed. Vielen Dank. That is way I am playing it for now. Looking for minor drop today or a doji day, close out a couple of puts maybe. Go cash into weekend (other than long term shorts), and look for some quick long side action early next week 8211 with expectations of closing those positions mid to late week and go short again. Riding the lower boundary of the long-term trendline until it fails. good morning evil master If it holds, it could paint a nice looking dollar bull flag. Very nice. Hey 8211 can you give me a quick run down on what39s happening on the Dollar front 8211 trying to decide if I should roll out of bed now or rest a little more. I39m also sensing eurousd weakness, but I39m sticking to my 1.470-1485 zone of indecision. We tested the bottom two says ago, the highs yesterday, and are now floating in between. I think that a break to the downside is more likely, but until it breaks out either way I39m hesitant. Over the short term, though it looks as though DXY would head down to retest the bottom trend line, no Or are you saying that the slight retrace today means that we might be breaking up out of the wedge Wouldn39t it be lovely if we had one of those slow meltdown days today, kinda like the reverse of the upward grind of the past 6 months, that wiped out all of yesterdays gains Surely that would rattle the confidence of the dip buyers Spending by US consumers fell for the first time in five months in September, and by the largest amount in percentage terms since December 2008, data released by the Commerce Department on Friday show. Consumer purchases decreased by 47.2bn, or 0.5 per cent 8211 in line with analyst estimates 8211 after a 1.4 per cent increase the month prior. The government revised the August reading up from an originally reported increase of 1.3 per cent. Economists largely attributed the decline to the end of the governments cash for clunkers program, which had boosted spending on cars. On an inflation-adjusted basis, spending declined 0.6 per cent in September and increased by 1 per cent in August. Rising unemployment contributed to a 0.2 per cent decline in wages and salaries, the figures showed. Next target is 1.4718 on EUR (a pivot line) as we39ve broken an important TD support area on the 3 min chart. Remember the last LOW was at 1.4683 (if my tired eyes are reading that correctly). On a related note, I39ve been watching the CAD and it seems to be ahead of the EUR in its movements 8211 i. e. it was down before the EUR. EUR and SPX are moving in lockstep so that correlation is holding (or DXY if you will) Everyone should take a look at the changes I39ve made to jesterx39 INDU down channel. Notice that it has six lines instead of the standard five. See how the price action fits so well PRSGuitars, there39s that recurring 133 extension, baby. Gap filled on X 8211 now it this is the 4th wave up 8230 should bounce from this area 8230 That should put the start of C on my channel39s lower trendline of the Oct 22,26 038 27th lows The vast majority of AMZN shares are tightly held, so even though only 5 of the shares outstanding are short, you need to take into account that the CEO alone is holding 25 and won39t sell a share, and institutional investors hold nearly all the rest of the outstanding shares. I think you could see some selling once the calendar rolls over as institutional holders might want to ring the register a bit, but it is basically a situation of who blinks first right now, shorts or the longs. And the shorts have a bug walking on their eyeball in the form of being so far underwater as is. had to edit, you know, when you watch EURUSD chart it goes down (ie USD gaining vs EUR), it was a typo. Too much open interest in the November puts8230maybe December of January, then bombs away8230 1h view of eurousd: I39m my eyes nothing much has changed, but my bias is towards weakness. My indecision zone is still holding, and until we break out I would be cautious. We keep bouncing around there, but a retest of the lows (or at least the main green trendline) should be in the cards after we fell below the mean line. I agree with you, put sell order on yesterday39s puts from HOD. Wow, that39s a pretty Inverse Head and shoulders8230 Maybe not8230tankage of euro continues, hope you euros bought your Hogs this summer8230. What do I know You may be right. I may be wrong. Nevertheless, my technical analysis hasn39t failed for me yet. The price action on INDU still haven39t broken my purple line, and the price action hasn39t even come close to Stainless Steel Chicken39s 8220Great Channel8221 line (orange on my chart). If the rally breaks both, I39ll capitulate and look to short again in 2010 when the price action has moved up to 12,500 area. For me, it doesn39t make any sense to capitulate now since everything is still going according to plan. If Government Sachs is reading this and you are still committed to the bullish cause, hint, hint, you need to break above the overhead purple line, the orange line, and the top green trend line. If it39s any help for you forex traders, DAX remains very weak and only 60 pts away from a downtrend confirmation. Once it breaks that 5440 it just might take the Euro with it8230 Nice chart. Great perspective Beautiful classic TA. Love this chart. My thoughts8230based on charts like this over the years, I say much better than 50 chance the top is in. Enough hits on channel lines. But, IF it rises to upper channel for the 6th point (don39t like even numbers), it is a mother of all shorts Just too perfect though, since it will be so obvious to everyone that they should mortgage the wife and throw everything into shorting the market. yeah, I was also considering it, but it wasn39t fully formed and in my experience HSs show up quite often on shorter timeframes, without playing out. For now, I39m considering movements inside this box as noise, maybe barring action against the green trendline. NYSE Problems Escalating As Selling Intensifies Exchange Moving To Backup ServersApart from obvious reasons of high-pay and opportunities, let me add a few more points, quoting examples of people who actually migrated from India. Who is he - Venkatraman ramakrishnan What did he accomplish - Awarded Nobel Prize in Chemistry for studies of the structure and function of the ribosome. What would he be doing had he stayed in India - Would have probably become a researcher in a central institute, but would never have got his research funded because he is a chemist and ribosome is a topic of biology. Who is he - V S Naipaul What did he accomplish - Awarded Nobel Prize in literature. What would he be doing had he stayed in India - Struggling to get his work published. Probably also being ridiculed behind the back for claiming that his works far far supersedes those of the Chetan Bhagat. What did he accomplish - Awarded Nobel Prize in medicine for interpretation of the genetic code and its function in protein synthesis What would he be doing had he stayed in India - Probably a professor in one of our universities, checking practical copies and complaining about the system for not giving sufficient funds for a project. Who is he - Amartya Sen What did he accomplish - Awarded Nobel Prize in Economics for his contributions to welfare economics. What would he be doing had he stayed in India - Would have made his parents proud for working in a stable, well-paying government job as an accountant in a bank. Who is he - S Chandrasekhar What did he accomplish - Awarded Nobel Prize in Physics quotFor his theoretical studies of the physical processes of importance to the structure and evolution of the stars What would he be doing had he stayed in India - A professor in a university, perhaps a popular one because he could not only solve each and every numerical but could tell exactly which book it was from, which chapter and even page number. In short, we dont get the opportunities, the infrastructure and the flexibility in India as compared to west. I never mean any disrespect to any of the laureates or to my country, what I want to say is that there are perhaps hundreds of Amartya Sen and S Chandrasekhar out there, who are forced everyday to kill their dreams and get settled. Once you go to west, you cant be pressurized to follow the beaten path. You are not encouraged to look at things from a different perspective. And a stable, secure life is encouraged. Risk takers are frowned upon. So people willing to take risk are left with no other option. But apart from the obvious I would put one more reason - RECOGNITION. Yes, at times that THAPPA from the west creates more impact than all your qualities, your dedication and your good nature put together, even to your closest ones. Remember this man Of course you do. Did you know him before 2014 when he got that THAPPA of Nobel Wasnt he working already Arent we supposed to know him because he lives among us Arre THAPPA yaar THAPPA Perhaps this is why NRI Ladka is such a fad among upper middle class fathers looking for bridegrooms for their daughters. Forget Mr. Satyarthi, do you know this man Whenever I talk to someone about Swami Vivekananda, the first thing people mention is his Chicago Address. Seriously Among all his contribution to philosophy, the only thing people find worthwhile is an address to Americans. I am sure it was phenomenal, but see, even Swami Vivekanandas biggest accomplishment is his THAPPA from west. Forget even him, remember this man One of the greatest man to walk on the Earth. Do you know that his methods were unique and he was the one who made our freedom struggle mass-based and not limited to elites. But do you know one of the reasons he was able to gain such a wide popularity in congress ranks, so soon after his return from Africa in 1915, was his contribution and works in Africa. I am sure Mahatma Gandhi would have been a great figure even without those credentials. He would have eventually achieved the respect and recognition he deserved. But even for him the THAPPA acted as a launch pad, even if it was not from west. Need I say more I am sure you will find my other answers insightful as well. 12.4k Views middot View Upvotes middot Not for Reproduction India has a net migration rate of zero Central Intelligence Agency That means the number of people going out is nearly the same as the number of people coming in. You can see both educated and uneducated labour moving in and out of India all the time. It is all balanced. That said, among the top rungs of Indian society there is often a hunger to explore the world and take on huge challenges. Thus, this group travels the world starting, working for and buying companies. Many in this group come back to India. There are few other groups that settle overseas, but their population is a round off error relative to Indias size. Again these small group of Indians move for the same reason people move out of their parents homes and native towns. It is not that you hate your parents or the home you lived. It is just that for your particular skillsets and ambitions differ, leading you to try out other things. 163.9k Views middot View Upvotes middot Not for Reproduction middot Answer requested by Akshay Patri The question itself is straightforward in the first reading and many have addressed it in sufficient length in many different ways However, reading the description, the question seems to be asking for further insight. And partly due to the nature of this forum, guessing from the name of the poster, and bias of my personal background I have a feeling that this is a question being asked by an English speaking Westerner - my answer will have examples from that guess and bias. I, an immigrant from India with a US citizenship was on a business trip to Sri Lanka working for a British company and was discussing a South African project. Why was this happening - well the common thread here is that all of this was a part of the British Empire once I have been educated in English with an emphasis on Math and Science - thanks to the British who wanted to give religious Indians a strong dose of secular sciences - which seeped into the post independent Indian curriculum. The companies I was dealing in were all in the capital finance sector - which was kick started by the East India Company - the first publicly held British company. Expression of nationalism and internet communication: Anything wrong with nationalism that empowers an individual who is defending that portion of their identity As for online nationalism - nationals from all nations have it. You should see the nationalism of the superpower that the US is, during the Olympics - games that Americans dont even take that seriously Once online translators become good enough (there is a semi decent one built into Chrome already,) you will drown in misery once you start seeing the nationalism expressed by the Chinese, Japanese, French, Russians, various Arab nations - to name a few. Lets also not forget that this is an English forum, and the portion of the Internet accessed by this audience is largely the portion in English. A legacy of the British Empire - which includes, UK, Ireland, Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, etc. Leaving (ones native land) : As for leaving . supply and demand is a good moniker that covers (and hides) many of the realities of people leaving their native place. This Question can be asked any expat or immigrant from anywhere. Why does a US citizen take up an expat assignment - when US is a super power, and the richest country in the world What about a Scandinavian or a Canadian with one of the most comfortable countries in the world Why do Brits - again among the richest - get attracted to jobs in the Gulf What about the Britons who came to India What about The Portuguese and French What about the myriad of Europeans who left Europe for the US 200400 years ago - and still proudly claim that they came on the Mayflower - when the reality is that most of them were persecuted for their Puritan beliefs - a much worse situation than Indians who have the education, and economic means to buy their own air tickets to leave India. Many come as foreign students and pay around USD 40,000 per year for their education - an amount that most American and Europeans can not afford or take out a loan for. What about the Britons who left for Australia Note that Australia was a penal colony. What about the Indians who were forcibly taken as indentured labors to British colonies What about Black slaves in the New World What about all the Asian laborers in the Middle East - many individuals this category are conned into going to the foreign land. What about all the Crusaders who did not return to their homeland Almost everything is made in China - that includes your iPhone designed in California. A good percentage of IT development is done in India. Textiles come from all over the world. The most voracious consumers in the world are Americans Petroleum from the OPEC US, Japan, Europe and China are suffering from an aging population, and skilled labor is supplied by the likes of Eastern Europe, China and India. So unless you are an Arab exploiting an Indian, the Indian leaving for your land is a skilled worker which your land will not be able to produce because of its geriatric situation. If you have not accepted the reality of globalization yet, then it will hit you sooner or later. Finally the implicit question - is everything really all that hunky-dory in India - or are Indians leaving because of rampant poverty there Indians are supplying very highly skilled professional the world over. India has a fairly well developed education system with instruction in English. Enough to fill positions in many other countries. This trend however started reversing for the uppermost echelon at the turn of the century (most IITians for example elect to stay in India now.) For every professional that leaves India now, there are many more that stay behind - a substantial percentage by choice. This has changed as compared to 1980s - 2000. India is not a rich country today. Why was is it then that there was a British East India Company, A Dutch and a French one What about the Portuguese before them in 1498 And why - oh why did Columbus sail the ocean blue Ah - because India (and China) were the two richest nations back then - up until 1850 they each had 2025 of the worlds GDP EACH - with NO DEBT. The improvement of UKs economy came at the expense of Indias loss. Most of these East India companies were the first publicly held companies (read - capitalism started with trade amp colonization of India, Asia, Africa and the New World) - which in turn led to the formation of stock exchanges (the Dutch stock exchange started with trading of the Dutch East India Company.) Indians have a deep sense of history, and with an improving economy, a healthy dose of nationalism. Indians have accents - but so do the French but Indians are unkempt - well wait till your kids grow up - and they go chasing Indians (and Chinese) the way you ran after French amp Italians. BTW, this has already started happening in the UK w Indians and in the US w Chinese. The reason for bringing this up is that this is the last barrier after which true curiosity, questioning, and understanding begins and racial tensions subside. 7.8k Views middot View Upvotes middot Not for Reproduction To lead a life of less stress. I am in my early 20039s and come from a well to do family. This is what I have gathered during these 20 years of my life in India. 1.) Cleared Delhi University entrance (DU-JAT) ( General category ). Got a good rank but could not enter college of my choice because of a goof up from Delhi University(Source: FMS goof up leaves students in anguish ). Had to settle for some another college. Filed for case in high court. They judge rejected my case saying quotit isn039t a great dealquot. Filed for the second time. Received a threat call saying I should take my case back or else I would regret the consequences. Still pursued it. At a time where I should think about my future I found myself entangled in all this stuff. This time I had all the proofs regarding the goof up but still could not get anything fruitful this time as well. Filed for the another time only to be disappointed again. This is what you get when you go against the system. 2.) I live in a building some part of which has been occupied for commercial purposes(Illegal as per Delhi Government norms). Reported this to the police and the MCD. Received a reply from Police that I should not trouble the man again and again or else I will be charged under the IPC. This is what you get when you go as per the rules. 3.) Saw someone abusing an old person in the market place for no reason. Asked him to stop. This is what he says next quot Tu chuup hoja varna tere ghar mei ghuske marunga tujhe. Tujhe pata nahi UP se hu meiquot.(You get out of this or else I will beat you in your house. I am from U. P.). Slapped me later. This is what you get when you try to stop something wrong. 4.) Got my car repaired from Mahindra service station found some glitches in the paint job. Told the serivce advisor about the same and he saidquot Ye India hai 19-20 ka fark to hoga hiquot.(This is India you won039t get anything perfect). No sense of responsibility and the list will go on. Well, according to my experiences the Police here does039nt care about the law, the judiciary does039nt give a damn about your sufferings and if you try to stop something unlawful or unjust you are on the hitlist then. P. S.Going anonymous because I feel I might be labelled anti-national after someone reads my answer. 12.4k Views middot View Upvotes middot Not for Reproduction Visakh V Krishna. believes in the Indian growth story I have a very good friend living in Sweden with his family. I was talking to him about considering the possibilities of returning back to India. He then tells me his life story as an example on why he would not consider returning back. He is a native of Madurai in south India. He lost his parents when he was very young and he had a sister to take care of. He grew up in his relatives039 place and had to struggle a lot during his childhood. Being someone not from a strong economic background, he said there was not a single moment in his life where he was felt needed or helped by the system. He had to struggle his way into college missing out on educational opportunities in good institutes due to reservation (TN had a 69 reservation back then). His golden moment of opportunity came when he received an offer to study in one of the finest engineering colleges in Sweden with a scholarship after struggling a lot in India. He took it. He was awarded with a full-time job before he even finished his Masters. He now works in an important position in a major MNC in Stockholm. The economic prosperity that followed changed his life for good. He tells me, quotThis country gave me everything when I was not even a full time citizen when my country couldn039t extend the most basic help when it was needed. quot Now he is happily settled and has become a Swedish citizen. He has no plans to move back to India. This might be a very cliched story. But in my experience abroad, most of the Indians I meet have a similar story to tell. You will find a Chinese person most likely to say that he wants to move back to his home country. On the contrary an Indian (especially in the STEM area) is most likely to have given up the propect of moving back. He is willing to take the trouble to learn a new language and integrate into the host society than even attempting to move back. While Indians might pride themselves to be having a more free society than the Chinese, at the end of the day more Indians are willing to move abroad than Chinese. Like one of my friends (who is working as a researcher in ETH Zurich) mentioned, quotWhat difference does it make when you have a broken democracy in placequot These are the Indians who are not asking for fancy cars, sprawling apartments, Freedom for PDA or any kind of values the west have to offer. All they ask for is an opportunity to work and be judged in a fair way. Clearly with all the GDP growth in the past decade, India was not able to offer it to them. To sum up, like some NRI on quora mentioned, quot I did not give up on India. India gave up on me. quot Edit: The main topic being discussed on the comment section is reservation with people calling out the need to understand the topic. I am sorry to disappoint, but this question was not about understanding reservation. It was a first person039s account I had the experience of listening to which felt relevant for the question. I would ask you to not judge or insult someone whom you don039t know. If people are being happy wherever they are there is no need for mud slinging on other people039s opinions. 275.8k Views middot View Upvotes middot Not for Reproduction

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